People sometimes ask me, "What are you working on?". So, I decided to create a running log/blog of what we're working on. If you're interested in doing business with us or partnering on an event or opportunity email isioma@axesandeggs.com
Note - NO SYNERGY CALLS. If you want to do business or partner with us, answer these three questions:- What business do you want to do?
- What value do you think we bring to this initiative? (This means you've reviewed www.axesandeggs.com and know what we do. And to be clear, we do not introduce you to investors and are not fund finders. We're a think tank. We answer the questions you can't google. Got it?)
- What is that value worth to you? (This means, you tell us generally what you want to do and what budget you have to do that. No, we don't want your tokens. You don't even use them so what good are they to us?)
- Chainhaus - NYC based python, blockchain, hyperledger, ethereum, smart contracts, and vyper educational provider. Follow them on social @ChainHaus_NYC. Checkout their website for current list of technical classes, sign up and get your education on.
- SettleMint - Belgium/Dubai based blockchain training partner. We are combining forces to set up a Blockchain Academy in Dubai (that complements the one they run in Belgium) with them. Our joint first class is August 19th 2018. Follow them twitter at @SettleMintCom and @Blckchn_Academy.
- Blockchain Commission - A United Nation's partner agency, advocating for blockchain solutions that align to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Dr Tiffany Gray is co-leading the BlockchainForImpact Global Health & Disaster Relief Subcommittee.
- Maureen Murat - Legal advisor to Cogent Law, based in Washington, DC. She is our go to legal expert for all things blockchain, securities and tax law related.
- Crowdfunding Professionals Association - Leading efforts in blockchain, tokenization and liquidity in real estate. In short, we're building the future.
- DigitalTown - Samson is Mayor of Cryptocurrencies for DigitalTown. If your city's business haven't heard of, much less can accept cryptocurrencies, how smart is your city? Lets chat!
- FixNix - Enabling people to anonymously report whistleblowing issues. Based out of Chennai, India.
- iCrowdU - Equity, debt, royalty blockchain crowdfunding startup based out of Germany.
- TBA - A real estate investment firm, positioning itself for a tokenized future of real estate and blockchain.
- TBA - A think tank, positioning itself to be the leader in blockchain and health.
- TBA - MENA based government aligning its policies and regulatory environment to be blockchain and crypto friendly.
- TBA - EU based private equity firm with $13B AUM, positioning itself to be a beast.
Upcoming Events
- August 13: Mauritius Blockchain Conference
- August 19: Dubai blockchain class with SettleMint
- August 21: Bowie State University - Blockchain Live Stream with Dr Andrew Mangle
- August 30 - 31: Philadelphia, www.coinvention.io
- September 5: Berlin pitch with iCrowdU
- September 11 - 15: Washington, DC, Congressional Black Caucus events TBA
- September 17 - 20: Malaysia, Instructor Understanding Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies Seminar
- September 23 - 28: Dubai, UAE Instructor for Certified Fintech & Blockchain Professional Certification
- Oct 2- 5: Jamaica, Blockchain Training & Conference, TBA
- Oct 10: Blockchain & Law event TBA
- October 15 - 17: Berlin, Germany, (Private) Private Equity Event
- Oct 18: Vienna, Austria, CrowdDialog, presenting on, "ICO update - 2017 to Today"
- Nov 3: Baltimore, Black Wealth and Blockchain
- Nov 14: Blockchain & Law event TBA
- Dec 5: Blockchain & Law event TBA
- December 9 - 12: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Instructor for Certified Fintech & Blockchain Professional Certification
- TBA: Vienna, Austria Blockchain Conference (details to be announced)
- February 16: Miami, FL Cyber Security Conference, presenting "Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies - securing your digital wallets"
- February 18, DC, Get Found Get Funded Podcast, The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) Show
- February 19, London, England, Crypto Pulse, Episode #6 All about Initial Coin Offerings
- February 20: Washington, DC, Digital Asset Investment Forum
- February 23: Washington, DC, Communities of Color Health Conference, George Washington University
- Feburary 24 - March 2: Beyond Capital Markets, ICOs 4Impact Summit, Blockchain Innovation for Impact & Financial Inclusion
- February 27 - 28: Mumbai, India Blockchain Forum India , presenting "Blockchain and Medical Research Use Cases for Cures - a path to #FasterMiracles”
- March 4-6: Dubai, UAE, World Blockchain & Token Summit presenting "Cryptocurrency Taxes, What Taxes"
- March 8 - 13: SXSW, Austin, Texas : Hosting Blockchain events at OpportunityHub's HBCU@SXSW; Speaking "Blacks on the Blockchain"; Future of Healthcare Conference: "How much can Blockchain really solve Healthcare"
- March 14: Faces of Digital Health Podcast #7 The Hype The Hope, Blockchain in Healthcare
- March 17 - 21: Bahrain, Instructor for Certified Fintech & Blockchain Professional Certification
- April 6: Washington, DC, Johns Hopkins University, Technology & Future Conference (Dr. Maureen Murat, Esq)
- April 9 - 13: San Francisco, Draper University, Executive Blockchain Bootcamp (Dr. Maureen Murat, Esq)
- April 8 - 12: Dubai, UAE, Instructor for Certified Fintech & Blockchain Professional Certification
- April 16: Istanbul, Turkey Global Entrepreneurship Congress
- April 18: The Startup Catalyst Podcast, Blockchain and Inclusion
- April 19: Deutsche Bank Tech Day. Keynote: After the bubble – the future of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and humans in a decentralized world
- April 20: Crypto Core Media interview - Blockchain isn't for everyone
- April 24: Morehouse College - Blockchain Lab launch, with OpportunityHub
- May 1 & 2: Abu Dabi, AIM Investment Summit. Keynote: Investing in Disruption Cryptocurrencies, Digital Assets and ICOs for Professional Investors and Institutions
- May 5: The CryptoCast with Jason Hartman - CC 11 - Regulation vs Opportunity, How to Do an ICO with Axes & Eggs' Samson Williams
- May 12: Washington, DC, Georgetown University, Blockchain Health Science Symposium, Keynote: The Future of Blockchain Across The Globe
- May 31: Atlanta, Ga. Patientory Stiftung 2018 Inaugural Blockchain in Healthcare Summit
- June 4: New York City - United Nations Blockchain for Impact - Global Health & Emergency Response workshop
- June 28: New York City - Cogent Law Group's Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Seminar
- July 10: Washington, DC - Blockchain and Diversity @ Bowie State University
- July 12: Washington, DC - Design Thinking, Blockchain and Social Impact Investing Workshop
- July 12: Washington, DC - Cogent Law Group's Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Seminar
- July 19: New York City - Cogent Law Group's Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Seminar
- July 22: Webcast - Blockchain & Real Estate Understanding the Noise and the Potential